elv-utils-js: Utilities
The elv-utils-js package is available at https://github.com/eluv-io/elv-utils-js (see Download and set up elv-utils-js for installation instructions).
All the example command lines use a dollar sign followed by an ITEM_NAME in bold italic caps to indicate information that you need to substitute in (e.g. $MASTER_TYPE, $FILENAME).
They also assume that you have set required environment variables and are currently in the elv-utils-js/utilities directory.
All the scripts in elv-utils-js/utilities/ except TextConvertForCmd.js and TextDecodeBase58.js have a --help option that will show all the available options for that script.
- Adds files to an object
- The files to add may be local or on S3
- If local, the files will be uploaded to the fabric.
- If on S3, the files may either be copied to the fabric (--s3Copy) or only linked (--s3Reference)
- Files are stored encrypted by default, use --storeClear if you wish files to use unencrypted storage. (does not apply if --s3Reference is used, in which case the files are not stored in the fabric at all)
node FilesAdd.js \
--objectId $MASTER_OBJECT_ID \
--files audio-french.mp4
Sample output:
Add file(s) to object iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz...
Found library ID: ilib3fm7YhNrmYBNsgNwFuUso1CRVFw3
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSRvTnR3BpmgffhUQgNyc9KeJUA8AGLLbUqAPDcqNunKTbhf4oVrmqYnxmaV441b3pu7C3V6F8JWLCqXtLU
node URL: http://localhost:8008
audio-french.mp4: 0.0%
audio-french.mp4: 91.7%
audio-french.mp4: 100.0%
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__7EguUjRw2TCPt4jcWAtrRimxxN4ce4Cq9wvFAhnPTUyhjnrC2vV68s3sWkaHiTdLokDsx4DfpC
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
File(s) added.
New version hash: hq__7EguUjRw2TCPt4jcWAtrRimxxN4ce4Cq9wvFAhnPTUyhjnrC2vV68s3sWkaHiTdLokDsx4DfpC
- Download file(s) from an object.
- Will exit with an error if file(s) already exist in the target directory or if file is not found in the object.
- Note that linked S3 files (i.e. those added to an object using --s3Reference) cannot be downloaded.
- If you wish to download files from an old Version of an Object, use --versionHash instead of --objectId.
node FilesDownload.js \
--objectId $MASTER_OBJECT_ID \
--filePaths audio-english.mp4
Sample output:
Download file(s) from object iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz...
Found library ID: ilib3fm7YhNrmYBNsgNwFuUso1CRVFw3
Decoding object id from hash hq__3HZ5HsVQPFgQPEVtmkswvHEBBnU8fw9nhyBKMtJhyatirWmvtSsbZBzpxFSbCKPjrq6svWaCnc...
Found: iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz
Reading metadata from version hq__3HZ5HsVQPFgQPEVtmkswvHEBBnU8fw9nhyBKMtJhyatirWmvtSsbZBzpxFSbCKPjrq6svWaCnc...
Retrieving metadata path '/files' from version hq__3HZ5HsVQPFgQPEVtmkswvHEBBnU8fw9nhyBKMtJhyatirWmvtSsbZBzpxFSbCKPjrq6svWaCnc...
audio-english.mp4: 9%
audio-english.mp4: 17%
audio-english.mp4: 26%
audio-english.mp4: 35%
audio-english.mp4: 43%
audio-english.mp4: 52%
audio-english.mp4: 60%
audio-english.mp4: 69%
audio-english.mp4: 78%
audio-english.mp4: 86%
audio-english.mp4: 95%
audio-english.mp4: 100%
- Probes files for media and returns information on any streams found
- If you wish to probe files in an old Version of an Object, use --versionHash instead of --objectId.
node FilesProbe.js \
--objectId $MASTER_OBJECT_ID \
--files audio-english.mp4
Sample output:
Get media info for file(s) in iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz...
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz...
Found library ID: ilib3fm7YhNrmYBNsgNwFuUso1CRVFw3
"audio-english.mp4": {
"container_format": {
"duration": 718.9970092773438,
"filename": "audio-english.mp4",
"format_name": "mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2",
"start_time": 0
"streams": [
"type": "StreamAudio",
"channel_layout": "stereo",
"channels": 2,
"sample_rate": 48000,
"codec_name": "aac",
"language": "",
"side_data_list": [],
"tags": {},
"bit_rate": 127317,
"duration": 718.997,
"duration_ts": 34511856,
"frame_count": 33704,
"max_bit_rate": 0,
"start_pts": 0,
"start_time": 0,
"time_base": "1/48000"
- Sets the image displayed for an Object in the Fabric Browser to an image file within the Object
- The image must have already been added to the Object (use the FilesAdd.js script if needed)
- If you wish to clear the displayed image, use --clear instead of --filePath.
node ImageSet.js \
Sample output:
Set display image for object iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz to /images/Poster.png
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz...
Found library ID: ilib3fm7YhNrmYBNsgNwFuUso1CRVFw3
Checking that file exists...
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSRvTnR3BpmgffhUQgNyc9KeJUA8AGLLbUqAPDcqNunKTbhf4oVrmqYnxmaV45Hm8qjz9zWFs3eMxDQdAvU
node URL: http://localhost:8008
Writing metadata to object...
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__LyeakvgRN5Fo8PgTZGuxdRArmPsyv7z51VKpGXXDBft4HyVsr982bggrnEfPikFuFkwzQRuJ6t
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
Version Hash: hq__LyeakvgRN5Fo8PgTZGuxdRArmPsyv7z51VKpGXXDBft4HyVsr982bggrnEfPikFuFkwzQRuJ6t
- Lists information for a single library.
node LibraryInfo.js \
--libraryId $MEZ_LIB
Sample output:
Get info for library ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
"contractMetadata": {},
"latestHash": "hq__BaC7ZA6fiuX6Sr6426QezW5hLDSJDfFx9DVZURVYUUQCupp5dLHSLe4iHCjm3iqfkGZ12BvaNT",
"metadata": {
"commit": {
"author": "dev-tenant-elv-admin",
"author_address": "0x5b4b3f4c262aa0f5237cb9a4b59ab0825ddead28",
"message": "Create library",
"timestamp": "2023-01-19T23:36:38.209Z"
"elv": {
"media": {
"drm": {
"fps": {
"cert": "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"
"name": "dev-tenant - Title Mezzanines",
"public": {
"name": "dev-tenant - Title Mezzanines"
"objectId": "iq__29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT",
"type": ""
- List objects visible to the current user (i.e. the current private key) for a single library
- By default, shows only object IDs, but options are available to show additional fields (use --help for a full list)
node LibraryListObjects.js \
--libraryId $MEZ_LIB \
--name \
Sample output:
List objects in library ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Getting list of objects...
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Found 2 object(s)
Retrieving metadata path '/commit' from object iq__2Pq7oDT7gxopf1mURnPJyM3cjEFA...
Retrieving metadata path '/commit' from object iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin...
objectId name commitDate
iq__2Pq7oDT7gxopf1mURnPJyM3cjEFA Big Buck Bunny MEZ 2023-01-25T00:54:40.278Z
iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin Meridian MEZ 2023-01-20T00:06:50.263Z
- Lists names and addresses for Access Groups visible to the current user (i.e. the current private key)
node ListAccessGroups.js
Sample output:
List access groups visible to the currently configured private key
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
address name
0x8d8780cfa0970a064e247e4a7829f0106b38d7f7 dev-tenant Content Admins
0xde9742280f18724d7b6b2d8bc7f3d96b538bc265 dev-tenant Content Users
0xce2a975ee73a8091cc7d451ed7c74a1de2739617 dev-tenant Tenant Admins
- Lists files in an Object or a Version of an Object
- Lists file path within Object, size, whether the file was stored encrypted, and (for S3 links) the remote path
- Note that S3 links always show false for 'encrypted', as they are not actually stored in the Content Fabric
- If you wish to list files in an old Version of an Object, use --versionHash instead of --objectId.
- NOTE: output will not include rows for directories that contain no files
node ListFiles.js \
Sample output:
Get file list for iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz...
Found library ID: ilib3fm7YhNrmYBNsgNwFuUso1CRVFw3
path size encrypted link_remote_path
/audio-English.mp4 11832588 true
/audio-French.m4a 34906041 false /MyS3Bucket/audio-French.m4a
/subtitles-English.vtt 10050 false /MyS3Bucket/subtitles-English.vtt
/video-1080p.mp4 692307468 false /MyS3Bucket/video-1080p.mp4
/images/Poster.png 465358 false
- List libraries visible to the current user (i.e. the current private key)
- By default, shows only object IDs. Add --name to retrieve library names as well
node ListLibraries.js \
Sample output:
Get list of libraries
Getting list of libraries...
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Found 4 lib(s)
libraryId name
ilib2nLKiR5p2yiGqCNicszxQYyvu9W4 dev-tenant - Properties
ilib3fm7YhNrmYBNsgNwFuUso1CRVFw3 dev-tenant - Title Masters
ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT dev-tenant - Title Mezzanines
ilib3MrFBvGaJeL5rCJeMg2KGPZsVecH dev-tenant - Reports
- Lists parts and their sizes for an object (either for the latest version or an older version)
- If you specify only --objectId the newest version of the object will be used
- If you specify --versionHash then that specific version will be used
node ListParts.js \
--objectId $MEZ_OBJECT_ID
Sample output:
Get part list for iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
hash size
hqpeCZ1A5NMuDfy7cfiNyH6EcVLCK2BSQ3pjvKBW5paXpD7jao8b 925761
hqpet8ye86mZMNy5ezhNRvCsU1kbFnPmcHw94LvJUQfHNA2mzSvNb 35218275
hqpeLisD3pdrNic2DdAjz5Urh8ErXzof5jBfQjW7dsSgzkvWfxBS 939009
hqpe72iLCJExTcHJXPqGJBdChby172ojSuxyKM5u9uaeL2U4cfFyh 34556322
hqpePowsTMpCH5emtLUN7Uf8V1KuTcinJgpbRKYMm1DRp5aEA8gG 937281
hqpez5TEN6YTPGF76LGz6UEaehf3bKDszDXvwxs1B65WHjRc9XWby 35600739
hqpeBrDpWx7cYJEfHKYR1s4Mq8sEBz2QdrgpGLGT3LZKZNVetQqN 940161
hqpeR5vrfeXjc7MGGtXuHqbLfbWYud1Hi8kHxUsHjUghUkRaTU1E 938433
hqpe2vL1CqJ16NoQjZmhH7RvP2D7NsTjYnLU3HfF24s8q4Mu4Ev53M 35137059
hqpeLssL5hBxfz9TdhXdimVDsnweDbaSX4REstQ1uQfizpNAgPK6 937281
hqpeH3g6wZfDbJsGANWkxhgL3d3JQ7ucj3Bjccp7zXN23qkfqa96 936129
hqpeS2o6TdSiwgA3pV2FFyiZKSS3YmzacXnAzYK86XMukW7bji2C 934977
hqpeioeUYZawMo4NNFpyuG6xBXpTeN5BtzKeA1Ys2UquK3wBfbL5E 35743587
hqpeRNTcnFQFsC4WhqXrRPpoaPLL8UoB8hgZvjX5262DZh5i38De 935553
hqpeFE17VkMC7tMZSWs68J7gughtALsRcLUtw3ffM4df2piWq1PE 934977
hqpeJHuRpcNdgf8yTSQFJrdbBcEZ2ZuoYzTqu3vHyr1Hev95iDBrY 36212004
hqpeMTkVDt8f7oSTf8fuWz1LGx5LCeYf8Q1iH9siWaDSGvRAhrN4 936129
hqpe2dqxXbNDNVwayzW7rM53mD8b3iRipPiBuER3v7yMZcV9bEXcVB 30266334
hqpeD4XQzj9R75hFuWy7M1tMJT7nUnyMs2pt5fF3Ge5oXd9f1sNG 936129
hqpe2Hk7Gk43gBjfvefFrXWmVhN2jXDyur94c2sy1asA9T2VBKTC7v 28922973
hqpeFAi8kbqG8UiGpNpsGKer8snLU9LundrBe1PD16FjJBvmMdBmG 31473759
hqpeR2VZdJwuHwsfAUv7ZNfKgzYSkum4KqQX1XP6TFNzJ9SStCv4 935553
hqpeK6YCnLgq4miikU3AE44Fz3E9KWXqrVmxx9VroUfzhmVEWisy 667137
hqpe24PLwF79cqhjYWR2AZMVbYrxFSLJhndtvyeVYAry9ZZyzBR4ow 31188063
hqpedMzBN45ATinUHQasv5NuKaTusZqnjyUNHFEozw9x9gXCotu5Y 32440992
hqpecEFqxRhJcCjv9Tsa3FG7Fsfj3ZDFgaDGyc9jk2j9tNS3mstZA 11664396
hqpe4md3QF83QnrvLKCoMSLko9hwKUDwzS346oedp36mZHg4L2bC 1756482
hqpe2MKUjgTkiH2NckUH6v6v8qVjB96sojKxUN6BuS9JNcoN2R69Mw 13623630
hqpe2w36KTfwUfDoWv3TKjsppyYyqKW2aQSx1Jo9JYdpms62XKpMZ5 25695258
hqpekHqXPcT3wysw3iLGdy9j8y6uZknPD6AUaQGXHuxnMyGX99VkM 5904198
- Lists content types visible to the current user (i.e. the current private key)
node ListTypes.js
Sample output:
Get list of content types
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
id name
iq__3j9xhdqvzkGvzk5cGSBsD4mk12TG dev-tenant - Channel
iq__3168aeRL4ve6YAE4HX1huEVW6E6T dev-tenant - Eluvio LIVE Drop Event Site
iq__MeiZ3F266sx1hk3QvccVsLhQKfp dev-tenant - Eluvio LIVE Marketplace
iq__bdQBYaURdXCiHZNkH78B56wQ6eJ dev-tenant - Eluvio LIVE Tenant
iq__4U84NCVvoVH51249dFDobj2ZfZrK dev-tenant - Live Stream
iq__2jh5w9vsnE16P2tbd2xNiazcYsbZ dev-tenant - NFT Collection
iq__3oGYU8DaVfjsu4GiyALzVvnBcYfU dev-tenant - NFT Template
iq__4WQZhWEPmRT8rq5DLSJxBMnRhBAk dev-tenant - Permissions
iq__8SLzhEyJWiJ41BPezhswG56MUwL dev-tenant - Title
iq__TSDVBqGVstjJzhYBXuWTKE2AZaw dev-tenant - Title Collection
iq__2tfLjovW8zMN9Yh6eLmwynX1Cbip dev-tenant - Title Master
- Lists versions for a fabric object, newest first.
- By default, shows only version hashes, but options are available to show additional fields (use --help for a full list)
node ListVersions.js \
--objectId $MEZ_OBJECT_ID \
Sample output:
List versions for object iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Retrieving version list for object iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin...
Retrieving metadata path '/commit' from version hq__DWDY2vfAYGb44VKNuYZhsMNoxmnqQLixf4BY3qYxD7mdijGdwnBkqA9j5AR6k2fb7v5QawaVoY...
Retrieving metadata path '/commit' from version hq__CzMYsQ35s8BsWdhQX5LKf6CnyMgUjJj4TbNQHCpgQbX3SDh7Zp5jkqk95KAREZN62TYNtEbyyL...
Retrieving metadata path '/commit' from version hq__KjTSXUBer3zPKCy81nM6o2shmQTM9EqKJR17MxQMb2j76sdUaSrbvtVMCKrBw3iajBpcFHMGPk...
hash commit_message
hq__DWDY2vfAYGb44VKNuYZhsMNoxmnqQLixf4BY3qYxD7mdijGdwnBkqA9j5AR6k2fb7v5QawaVoY Finalize ABR mezzanine
hq__CzMYsQ35s8BsWdhQX5LKf6CnyMgUjJj4TbNQHCpgQbX3SDh7Zp5jkqk95KAREZN62TYNtEbyyL Mezzanine LRO status
hq__KjTSXUBer3zPKCy81nM6o2shmQTM9EqKJR17MxQMb2j76sdUaSrbvtVMCKrBw3iajBpcFHMGPk Create ABR mezzanine
- Gets detailed information for a single LRO (Long-Running Object, i.e. a server-side process)
- This is a low-level script for debugging and development purposes - to get ingest status, use utilities/MezzanineJobStatus.js instead.
- Requires a write token (starts with "tqw__") and an LRO Id (starts with "tlro")
- LROs run on the node that generated the write token. If you know the write token's node you should use --nodeUrl to supply that node's URL as well, this will allow the script to skip lookup and considerably speed up execution. (e.g. --nodeUrl "https://host-154-14-185-98.contentfabric.io" )
node LROStatus.js \
--writeToken $WRITE_TOKEN \
--lroId $LRO_ID \
--nodeUrl $NODE_URL
Sample output:
Get status for LRO: tlro1EjchYzPaMx7VJV3JM8EmxaSfnyK4UDUnCyXbifQnft6HYYWhCWtMi (write token: tqw__HSQWSzYbwughHe5JjRexFhNmLJeEGUcticW82cnDXv3n7hd7rXa2tcL2N6HtKinLJpv8YzTm3PYCMyqNTih)
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__DLVBv1Mcq68cPE1H662udqvXYyZ...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Checking that write token exists...
handle: 'tlro1EjchYzPaMx7VJV3JM8EmxaSfnyK4UDUnCyXbifQnft6HYYWhCWtMi',
external_id: 'audio.default.xcAudio.Video.mp4.tqw__HSQWSzYbwughHe5JjRexFhNmLJeEGUcticW82cnDXv3n7hd7rXa2tcL2N6HtKinLJpv8YzTm3PYCMyqNTih',
description: 'stream: audio, offering: default, variant: default, masterHash: hq__HsEzV7tWekPDptg1oYNruYB92kgVwSaetMoiUq4CcTequJuRWnTYb9wWMub59tyHBReta5q5GN',
state: 'terminated',
history: [
{ state: 'registered', at: '2023-01-17T18:56:59.121Z' },
state: 'running',
at: '2023-01-17T18:56:59.121Z',
after: '85.226µs'
state: 'terminating',
at: '2023-01-17T18:56:59.726Z',
after: '605.652389ms'
state: 'terminated',
at: '2023-01-17T18:56:59.726Z',
after: '605.681234ms'
custom: {
start: '2023-01-17T18:56:59Z',
end: '2023-01-17T18:56:59Z',
duration: '604ms',
duration_ms: 604,
run_state: 'finished',
progress: { percentage: 100 }
- Sends a termination signal to a single LRO (Long-Running Object, i.e. a server-side process)
- This is a low-level script for debugging and development purposes - to stop a running ingest, use utilities/MezJobStop.js instead.
- Requires a write token (starts with "tqw__") and an LRO Id (starts with "tlro")
- After the LROStop.js script finishes, a transcode LRO may still take some time to completely shut down (e.g. for x265 / very high bitrate transcodes or ones involving a slow/distant S3 server). The LRO will, however, update the Mezzanine draft's status immediately, so MezJobStatus.js script will show that the LRO is cancelled without having to wait for it to finish shutting down.
- After terminating, LROStatus.js will show that LRO run state has changed to: "cancelled by user"
- LROs run on the node that generated the corresponding write token. If you know the write token's node you should use --nodeUrl to supply that node's URL as well, this will allow the script to skip lookup and considerably speed up execution. (e.g. --nodeUrl "https://host-154-14-185-98.contentfabric.io" )
node LROStop.js \
--writeToken $WRITE_TOKEN \
--lroId $LRO_ID \
--nodeUrl $NODE_URL
Sample output:
Stop LRO: tlro1EjchYzPaMx7VJV3JM8EmxaSfnyK4UDUnCyXbifQnft6HYYWhCWtMi (write token: tqw__HSQWSzYbwughHe5JjRexFhNmLJeEGUcticW82cnDXv3n7hd7rXa2tcL2N6HtKinLJpv8YzTm3PYCMyqNTih)
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__2DyMUGHtM7dsmfnvA3mhbypPqbXC...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
- Adds HDR info for a specific video stream to a Master object's metadata.
- See the HDR Video section for details on how to obtain and format this information.
- Use --info to specify the HDR information. You can specify either a JSON string (converted to make it safe for the command line) or a path to a JSON file.
- If the master file contains more than one video stream, use --streamIndex to specify which stream the HDR information is for (numbering starts at zero, i.e. 0 = first stream in file, 1 = second stream in file, etc.)
- You must use an x265 ABR Profile when creating a Mezzanine for an HDR master
- The Content Fabric currently does not support watermarking HDR video (and x265 in general)
- The Content Fabric currently only supports having a single entry in the ABR ladder for HDR video (and x265 in general). This means the Mezzanine Offering will only provide 1 resolution/bitrate for the HDR video stream
# using path to a JSON file (recommended):
node MasterAddHDRInfo.js \
--objectId $MASTER_OBJECT_ID \
--file masterVideoFile.mov \
--info ../path-to-my-directory/hdr_info.json
# using inline JSON:
node MasterAddHDRInfo.js \
--objectId $MASTER_OBJECT_ID \
--file masterVideoFile.mov \
--info '{"master_display":"G(13250,34500)B(7500,3000)R(34000,16000)WP(15635,16450)L(40000000,50)","max_cll":"1514,172"}'
Sample output:
Add HDR info to metadata for source file 'masterVideoFile.mov' of production master: iq__i4YaCPa6NTt5747C5XWeoWEPC3K
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__i4YaCPa6NTt5747C5XWeoWEPC3K...
Found library ID: ilib3fm7YhNrmYBNsgNwFuUso1CRVFw3
Reading file hdr_info.json...
Retrieving metadata path '/production_master/sources' from object iq__i4YaCPa6NTt5747C5XWeoWEPC3K...
Saving changes...
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSRwEN24A4Di7L3fUDX3WdvgE8arN7RyyVdAbY8mG4i9wKhJbc7SbuUVm9o7YiLTwrcKWsdn76VZPi4oas2
node URL: http://localhost:8008
Writing metadata to object...
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__EkqdK41nePRssKqztkun5yKuCXDxc76fToSR4cWWiFP9kKKzd6DTVYo82DuFBaMEpHJv6hG6mF
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
New version hash: hq__EkqdK41nePRssKqztkun5yKuCXDxc76fToSR4cWWiFP9kKKzd6DTVYo82DuFBaMEpHJv6hG6mF
- Add a new variant to a production master.
- Use --streams to define contents of the variant. You can specify either a JSON string (converted to make it safe for the command line) or a path to a JSON file.
# using path to a JSON file (recommended):
node MasterAddVariant.js \
--objectId $MASTER_OBJECT_ID \
--variantKey french \
--streams ../example-files/variant_streams.json
# using inline JSON:
node MasterAddVariant.js \
--objectId $MASTER_OBJECT_ID \
--variantKey french \
--streams '{"audio_fr":{"default_for_media_type":true, "label":"Français", "language":"fr-fr", "sources":[{"files_api_path":"audio-french.mp4", "stream_index":0}], "type":"audio"}, "video":{"default_for_media_type":true, "label":"video", "language":"", "mapping_info":"", "sources":[{"files_api_path":"video-1080p.mp4", "stream_index":0}], "type":"video"}}'
Sample output:
Add variant 'french' to production master: iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz...
Found library ID: ilib3fm7YhNrmYBNsgNwFuUso1CRVFw3
Retrieving metadata path '/production_master' from object iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz...
Saving changes...
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSRvTnR3BpmgffhUQgNyc9KeJUA8AGLLbUqAPDcqNunKTbhf4oVrmqYnxmaV423cS1tbNuRZAwyBZxiMRze
node URL: http://localhost:8008/
Writing metadata to object...
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__BdhKMSNXZHqKxfWzXGYEHZVtaQmxt2m1viET4XVUepdpVLbahQJyfPYmMaWBz6w7iFiBtdjGvk
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
New version hash: hq__BdhKMSNXZHqKxfWzXGYEHZVtaQmxt2m1viET4XVUepdpVLbahQJyfPYmMaWBz6w7iFiBtdjGvk
Example JSON file contents:
"audio_fr": {
"default_for_media_type": true,
"label": "Français",
"language": "fr-fr",
"sources": [
"files_api_path": "audio-french.mp4",
"stream_index": 0
"type": "audio"
"video": {
"default_for_media_type": true,
"label": "video",
"language": "",
"mapping_info": "",
"sources": [
"files_api_path": "video-1080p.mp4",
"stream_index": 0
"type": "video"
- Copy an existing variant in a production master to a new variant key
node MasterCopyVariant.js \
--objectId $MASTER_OBJECT_ID \
--variantKey default \
--newVariantKey french
Sample output:
Copy variant 'default' to 'french' in production master: iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz...
Found library ID: ilib3fm7YhNrmYBNsgNwFuUso1CRVFw3
Retrieving metadata path '/production_master/variants' from object iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz...
Saving changes...
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSRvTnR3BpmgffhUQgNyc9KeJUA8AGLLbUqAPDcqNunKTbhf4oVrmqYnxmaV3vSLSFKKGUxQ1QihXaZaCX6
node URL: http://localhost:8008
Writing metadata to object...
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__3RaVh24vdJGeiS1aGYc82zMCQdMfdg7J5iUHHdJTuCZjygB8SUMKuTmWeij3q9BUcUuY5oywa8
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
New version hash: hq__3RaVh24vdJGeiS1aGYc82zMCQdMfdg7J5iUHHdJTuCZjygB8SUMKuTmWeij3q9BUcUuY5oywa8
- Creates a new production master object using the specified file(s)
- Adds files to the new object, probes them for media streams, searches for a video and audio stream to use, then automatically creates a default variant using those streams.
- If you upload multiple files, the automatic stream selection may not produce what you want. You can use --streams to explicitly specify what stream(s) from what file(s) to use (see the MasterAddVariant.js script for example usage).
node MasterCreate.js \
--libraryId $MASTER_LIB \
--type $MASTER_TYPE \
--title $NAME_FOR_OBJECT \
--files Video.mp4
Sample output:
Create production master
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up content type: iq__2tfLjovW8zMN9Yh6eLmwynX1Cbip...
Video.mp4: 0.0%
Video.mp4: 100.0%
Production master object created:
Object ID: iq__389ZvHKvvfx1ns8XBTyVFc7PLBSx
Version Hash: hq__68vCS5JQvZ9eGLryXhoxaYZHBCbC7Tz1d3AfQHiAQSpJDN29pNP28SqCtygPBJjWKFpEyqFsrG
- Remove an existing variant from a production master.
node MasterDeleteVariant.js \
--objectId $MASTER_OBJECT_ID \
--variantKey french
Sample output:
Delete variant 'french' from production master: iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz...
Found library ID: ilib3fm7YhNrmYBNsgNwFuUso1CRVFw3
Retrieving metadata path '/production_master/variants' from object iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz...
Saving changes...
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSRvTnR3BpmgffhUQgNyc9KeJUA8AGLLbUqAPDcqNunKTbhf4oVrmqYnxmaV42LiS5eJYJvEsGxMZRuiKvB
node URL: http://localhost:8008
Writing metadata to object...
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__Ab6wRLTfHxZfc41ctUgBzyBEBj6EwNAKeGyr4TsZgd4aLAWTnVBSoCqRm34Z7D5v6ubY8j1pac
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
New version hash: hq__Ab6wRLTfHxZfc41ctUgBzyBEBj6EwNAKeGyr4TsZgd4aLAWTnVBSoCqRm34Z7D5v6ubY8j1pac
THIS PAGE IS A STUB (work in progress)
- Attempts to create the default Variant for a Master.
- Does not delete other Variants.
- Will exit with an error if the default Variant already exists.
- Media files must already exist in the Master, and must have already been scanned (e.g. with MasterUpdateSources.js).
- Looks through stream information in metadata at /production_master/sources and attempts to select 1 video and 1 audio stream to use.
- Will output a warning if only 1 stream is found (i.e. only video or only audio)
- Will exit with error if no suitable streams are found.
node MasterMakeDefaultVariant.js \
Sample output:
Create default variant in master object iq__3Ag5bYenWyGepdKxnfvWax6VWVqt
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__3Ag5bYenWyGepdKxnfvWax6VWVqt...
Found library ID: ilib3fm7YhNrmYBNsgNwFuUso1CRVFw3
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSW95G48UbpabzPtdMjuXo7maTLGiXX3rYLMzS6n4wWg5EaaHT9h85Ji5YmFTBnjNuxtabLX4tZoyjxrukB
node URL: http://localhost:8008
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__LQDPyaBEt8jN8DH4MnmLaKRiLMXJ7EyrJkWQq83Sp1BzJjMp1YYA4Nt1rZWfGpNNfYJzDR9LXt
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
Retrieving metadata path '/production_master/variants' from version hq__LQDPyaBEt8jN8DH4MnmLaKRiLMXJ7EyrJkWQq83Sp1BzJjMp1YYA4Nt1rZWfGpNNfYJzDR9LXt...
New version hash: hq__LQDPyaBEt8jN8DH4MnmLaKRiLMXJ7EyrJkWQq83Sp1BzJjMp1YYA4Nt1rZWfGpNNfYJzDR9LXt
- Probes top-level files in object to find audio/video, then updates metadata at /production_master/sources.
- Used after a master has new or revised files added.
- Will warn if any variants point to non-existent files/streams after update.
- Use --files to choose what files to probe (if omitted, all top-level files will be probed).
node MasterUpdateSources.js \
Sample output:
Probe media files in master and update sources metadata for object ID: iq__3Ag5bYenWyGepdKxnfvWax6VWVqt
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__3Ag5bYenWyGepdKxnfvWax6VWVqt...
Found library ID: ilib3fm7YhNrmYBNsgNwFuUso1CRVFw3
Retrieving metadata path '/production_master' from object iq__3Ag5bYenWyGepdKxnfvWax6VWVqt...
Probing BBB_480p_stereo_90s.mp4...
Probing Video.mp4...
Probing audio-part-filenames.txt...
failed to generate media.Source from media.Probe for file 'audio-part-filenames.txt': NewStreamFromGeneric: unrecognized format name: tty
Checking streams in variant 'default'...
Checking stream 'audio'...
Checking stream 'video'...
Files probed: BBB_480p_stereo_90s.mp4, Video.mp4, audio-part-filenames.txt
Files succeeded: BBB_480p_stereo_90s.mp4, Video.mp4
Sources added: BBB_480p_stereo_90s.mp4
Sources removed:
Sources with changed media info:
Saving changes...
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSW95G48UbpabzPtdMjuXo7maTLGiXX3rYLMzS6n4wWg5EaaHT9h85Ji5YmFTU9V8HHpwu1DqPSwsvvbiy7
node URL: http://localhost:8008
Writing metadata to object...
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__75jdKYTd9jdeV2LgAVgsDG8kLexjNchT4W8UNMgsyWyjmJt4CF8V7y1osJ7YFmGgRMYXEYuHFG
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
New version hash: hq__75jdKYTd9jdeV2LgAVgsDG8kLexjNchT4W8UNMgsyWyjmJt4CF8V7y1osJ7YFmGgRMYXEYuHFG
- Copies metadata from one location (path) to another within an Object
- The metadata paths (--path and --targetPath) must start with /
- If --targetPath already exists in the Object's metadata, you must use --force to overwrite the existing value (even if the current value is null)
- If either metadata path contains a number (e.g. /offerings/3/ready) it will be interpreted as either a field name or an array index depending on whether an array currently exists at the corresponding location in the metadata
- If the target path contains field names / array indexes that do not exist, they will be created if possible. For example, if your current metadata is {"baz": 42} and you specify --path /baz --targetPath /foo/barthen after running the command the metadata will be {"baz": 42, "foo": {"bar": 42}}
- If it is not possible to create all the needed field names / array indexes, the script will fail and output an error message explaining why.
node MetaCopy.js \
--path /offerings/default \
--targetPath /offerings/bonus
Sample output:
Copy metadata for object iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin from /offerings/default to /offerings/bonus
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Retrieving metadata from object iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin...
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSS5L3hAfyhWXfkDZtisrdCx9cc1M2xXh3FVT4pLBPX2h8jaa58Zi2Ap8bZLREyXRCy7xcBf97YWo1oVUcm
node URL: http://localhost:8008
Writing metadata to object...
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__HQRT8fKyiQ3Y1dBSoN1ww2GXW7zSUpDm3nAjz2EBxEVPJP2Aoqd7svGgHUnrLLyvPsqUTtGn3L
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
- Deletes metadata from a location (path) within an Object
- The metadata paths (--path) must start with /
- If the metadata path contains a number (e.g. /offerings/3/ready) it will be interpreted as either a field name or an array index depending on whether an array currently exists at the corresponding location in the metadata
- If the metadata path does not exist the script will fail and output an error message.
node MetaDelete.js \
--path /offerings/bonus
Sample output:
Delete metadata path '/offerings/bonus' from object iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Retrieving metadata from object iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin...
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSS5L3hAfyhWXfkDZtisrdCx9cc1M2xXh3FVT4pLBPX2h8jaa58Zi2Ap8bZLRXxuAz6RC8ApLUzPsrYT9oq
node URL: http://localhost:8008
Writing metadata to object...
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__iEdUWJA8UFevoPwofVFDCqJmMXd76LJrJEKVhquUm5WyoDJdFY3ku3eZRN3Q3ne2Y6aKJgqir
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
- Retrieves metadata from a Library, Object, Version, or Draft
- Use --path if you wish to retrieve only a specific part of the metadata. (If omitted, all metadata visible to your private key will be returned)
- If the metadata path contains a number (e.g. /offerings/3/ready) it will be interpreted as either a field name or an array index depending on whether an array currently exists at the corresponding location in the metadata
- If the metadata path does not exist the script will fail and output an error message.
- Use --outfile $FILEPATH_TO_SAVE_TO if you wish to save the metadata to a file.
- If you wish to retrieve metadata from an old Version of an Object, use --versionHash instead of --objectId.
- If you wish to retrieve metadata from a Draft, use --writeToken instead of --objectId. If you know the URL of the Node that generated the Write Token, use --nodeUrl to specify it for faster metadata retrieval.
- If you wish to retrieve metadata from a Library, use --libraryId instead of --objectId.
node MetaGet.js \
--path /public/name
Sample output:
Get metadata for iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin path: /public/name
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Decoding object id from hash hq__iEdUWJA8UFevoPwofVFDCqJmMXd76LJrJEKVhquUm5WyoDJdFY3ku3eZRN3Q3ne2Y6aKJgqir...
Found: iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin
Reading metadata from version hq__iEdUWJA8UFevoPwofVFDCqJmMXd76LJrJEKVhquUm5WyoDJdFY3ku3eZRN3Q3ne2Y6aKJgqir...
Retrieving metadata path '/public/name' from version hq__iEdUWJA8UFevoPwofVFDCqJmMXd76LJrJEKVhquUm5WyoDJdFY3ku3eZRN3Q3ne2Y6aKJgqir...
"My test object name"
- Moves metadata from one location (path) to another within an Object
- The metadata paths (--path and --targetPath) must start with /
- If --targetPath already exists in the Object's metadata, you must use --force to overwrite the existing value (even if the current value is null)
- If either metadata path contains a number (e.g. /offerings/3/ready) it will be interpreted as either a field name or an array index depending on whether an array currently exists at the corresponding location in the metadata
- If the target path contains field names / array indexes that do not exist, they will be created if possible. For example, if your current metadata is {"baz": 42} and you specify --path /baz --targetPath /foo/barthen after running the command the metadata will be {"foo": {"bar": 42}}
- If it is not possible to create all the needed field names / array indexes, the script will fail and output an error message explaining why.
node MetaMove.js \
--path /offerings/default \
--targetPath /offerings/bonus
Sample output:
Move metadata for object iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin from /offerings/default to /offerings/bonus
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Retrieving metadata from object iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin...
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSS5L3hAfyhWXfkDZtisrdCx9cc1M2xXh3FVT4pLBPX2h8jaa58Zi2Ap8bZLRBAYBsPQdg1U11on1SKEnPH
node URL: http://localhost:8008
Writing metadata to object...
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__BysXtXJe7dTaPmzi1ZGWC1FU2rEzck1ak5w97Z9R5YjMJjvBSkTBbGXDLmPwztktTfLyyHkFrS
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
- Sets value at specific location (path) in the metadata of an Object
- The metadata path (--path) must start with /
- If the path already exists in the Object's metadata, you must use --force to overwrite the existing value (even if the current value is null)
- Use --metadata to specify the value you wish to store at the path. You can specify either a JSON string (converted to make it safe for the command line) or a path to a JSON file.
- If the metadata path contains a number (e.g. /offerings/3/ready) it will be interpreted as either a field name or an array index depending on whether an array currently exists at the corresponding location in the metadata
- If the path contains field names / array indexes that do not exist, they will be created if possible. For example, if your current metadata is empty (i.e. just {}) and you specify --path /foo/bar --metadata 42then after running the command the metadata will be {"foo": {"bar": 42}}
- If it is not possible to create all the needed field names / array indexes, the script will fail and output an error message explaining why.
# using path to a JSON file (recommended):
node MetaSet.js \
--path /public/name \
--force \
--metadata ../example-files/metadata_simple_text.json
# using a JSON string:
# original JSON = "My new title"
# TextConvertForCmd.js used to convert to '"My new title"'
node MetaSet.js \
--path /public/name \
--force \
--metadata '"My new title"'
Sample output:
Set metadata at /public/name for object iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin
Reading file /elv-utils-js/example-files/metadata_simple_text.json...
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Retrieving existing metadata from object...
Retrieving metadata from object iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin...
Data already exists at '/public/name', --force specified, replacing...
Overwritten data: "My test object name…
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSS5L3hAfyhWXfkDZtisrdCx9cc1M2xXh3FVT4pLBPX2h8jaa58Zi2Ap8bZLRV3fcMQbMtbay3a6cr5xbfp
node URL: http://localhost:8008
Writing metadata to object...
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__8Px4kN4DL4GkR5VAMdY759N3VoFiEL51ye1xsNMVGHwk4NDaFLZ2sHUF3RADMLRN73ttWVYKXQ
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
- Copies an existing Offering to a new Offering Key in the same Mezzanine Object.
node MezCopyOffering.js \
--objectId $MEZ_OBJECT_ID \
--newOfferingKey $NEW_OFFERING_KEY
Sample output:
Copy offering 'default' to 'backup_copy' in mezzanine: iq__2Pq7oDT7gxopf1mURnPJyM3cjEFA
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__2Pq7oDT7gxopf1mURnPJyM3cjEFA...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Retrieving metadata path '/offerings' from object iq__2Pq7oDT7gxopf1mURnPJyM3cjEFA...
Saving changes...
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSTuqcei5VXGHfH7kALX4a5tkdrarDXhxvcaqgHSwJRVN7BVuSoaviuMWNWgaQcYA1f8CpEVjBApYJ3bdrV
node URL: http://localhost:8008/
Writing metadata to object...
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__Ja9uA7h84YLdYho7ZNd2rebwP6coYoDT63Y1Q9pJGSDa6X8ZDYv6oLacYEMQALAJEVhQ315KgC
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
New version hash: hq__Ja9uA7h84YLdYho7ZNd2rebwP6coYoDT63Y1Q9pJGSDa6X8ZDYv6oLacYEMQALAJEVhQ315KgC
- Starts a new Mezzanine Job to prepare (transcode) an Offering, either creating a new Mezzanine Object as part of the process or reusing an existing Mezzanine Object.
- If --objectId is supplied (or any of the aliases that MezCreate.js accepts for it, i.e. --object-id, --existingMezId, or --existing-mez-id), the existing Mezzanine Object will be reused. Otherwise a new Mezzanine Object will be created.
- Use --variantKey to choose which Variant in the Master to use as the basis for the Offering. If not specified, the script will look for a Variant named "default"
- If you do not want to include all streams in the Variant, use --streamKeys followed by a list of the streams you wish to include.
- Use --offeringKey to specify the Offering Key (i.e. the name to store the Offering under). If not specified, "default" will be used.
- You can request creation of additional modified copies of your Offering with --addlOfferings. You can specify either a JSON string (converted to make it safe for the command line) or a path to a JSON file.
- Uses JSON Patch to specify modifications.
- See /elv-utils-js/example-files/addl_offering_specs.json for an example.
- If you use --addlOfferings you must also specify --abrProfile
- If an existing Mezzanine Object is being reused, then --type and --title can be omitted.
- If an existing Mezzanine Object is being reused, and an Offering with the same Offering Key already exists, then normally the entire pre-existing Offering will be replaced. If instead you would like to merge the stream(s) you are about to transcode into the existing Offering, add --keepOtherStreams and only old streams with the same Stream Key will be replaced (see Replace a stream (revised master file provided after initial ingest) for an example).
- If the file is short and you don't mind tying up the command line during transcoding, use --wait to automatically monitor progress and finalize the Mezzanine Job after it finishes.
- For most ingests you will not use --wait , instead use MezJobStatus.js to check progress and finalize. (You will need the Object ID output by the MezCreate.js script)
node MezCreate.js \
--libraryId $MEZ_LIB \
--type $MEZ_TYPE \
--title $NAME_FOR_OBJECT \
Sample output:
Create Mezzanine offering 'default' from variant 'default' in Master version hq__Gb9KgaM9FPpQzCR8Y7DRe9Qnv7VS5mBiWWwKQpi3T3WrDunWsv1x9zTz4gnSwGSNRJC2VpBFQt
Reading file /elv-utils-js/example-files/abr_profile_both.json...
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up content type: iq__8SLzhEyJWiJ41BPezhswG56MUwL...
Creating new mezzanine object...
Starting Mezzanine Job(s)
Library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Object ID: iq__47YQsxesRViBtpwzndxB6pxm2Dbp
Offering: default
Write Token: tqw__HSYsCLmDi4UP1wu5JdTMFwiS8eG1nkweUkVVoaX5b24KZnndpcdtSxKPwF51R7KSUqY8GrYcUyFsz9VukPP
Write Node: http://localhost:8008/
- Deletes an existing Offering from a Mezzanine Object.
node MezDeleteOffering.js \
--objectId $MEZ_OBJECT_ID \
Sample output:
Delete offering 'backup_copy' from mezzanine: iq__2Pq7oDT7gxopf1mURnPJyM3cjEFA
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__2Pq7oDT7gxopf1mURnPJyM3cjEFA...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Retrieving metadata path '/offerings' from object iq__2Pq7oDT7gxopf1mURnPJyM3cjEFA...
Saving changes...
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSTuqcei5VXGHfH7kALX4a5tkdrarDXhxvcaqgHSwJRVN7BVuSoaviuMWNWgaqQucXbdaezKZ58A6Yopk4r
node URL: http://localhost:8008/
Writing metadata to object...
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__9iPUgD3ibXtss67zTgAmB3qV5cuf3MxJZBGVpDJGTjBwso8oTnLaGTzsXDDuADfro6fr2coGji
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
New version hash: hq__9iPUgD3ibXtss67zTgAmB3qV5cuf3MxJZBGVpDJGTjBwso8oTnLaGTzsXDDuADfro6fr2coGji
- Terminates any running transcodes for a mezzanine.
- Exists with an error if no cancellable transcodes are found
- Cancelled transcodes will show run state "cancelled by user"
node MezJobCancel.js \
--objectId $MEZ_OBJECT_ID
Sample output:
Cancel mezzanine job transcode(s)...
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__YtksuAbSELAM7NGLaddxTpAtMLS...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Found 2 transcode(s):
stream: audio, offering: default, variant: default, masterHash: hq__8VF3n9rUUNA4PS3uXf8946Rxt5LX5cjzrvpvsGDZDe4x33P2AA3k8Jt4XMgdxTJKi8QJNADBs2
LRO id: tlro1EjchYzPaMx7VJV3JM8EmxaSfnyK4UDUVtPksxVwSFYHY6izCywhDd
run state 'running'
stream: video, offering: default, variant: default, masterHash: hq__8VF3n9rUUNA4PS3uXf8946Rxt5LX5cjzrvpvsGDZDe4x33P2AA3k8Jt4XMgdxTJKi8QJNADBs2
LRO id: tlro1EjchYzPaMx7VJV3JM8EmxaSfnyK4UDUMF7q5FBCMymyLE58Jiy7vv
run state 'running'
Found 2 cancellable transcode(s), sending cancel request to each of the following:
stream: audio, offering: default, variant: default, masterHash: hq__8VF3n9rUUNA4PS3uXf8946Rxt5LX5cjzrvpvsGDZDe4x33P2AA3k8Jt4XMgdxTJKi8QJNADBs2:
run_state: 'running'
stream: video, offering: default, variant: default, masterHash: hq__8VF3n9rUUNA4PS3uXf8946Rxt5LX5cjzrvpvsGDZDe4x33P2AA3k8Jt4XMgdxTJKi8QJNADBs2:
run_state: 'running'
Waiting for cancel confirmation...
LRO tlro1EjchYzPaMx7VJV3JM8EmxaSfnyK4UDUVtPksxVwSFYHY6izCywhDd still shows as 'running' (stream: audio)
LRO tlro1EjchYzPaMx7VJV3JM8EmxaSfnyK4UDUMF7q5FBCMymyLE58Jiy7vv still shows as 'running' (stream: video)
Waiting 15 seconds...
All LRO(s) that were requested to cancel now report run state: 'cancelled by user'
- Gets status of transcode(s) for a mezzanine.
- If all transcodes finished successfully, you can also finalize the job with --finalize.
- If any of the transcodes finished with a progress percentage other than 100%, you can attempt to force finalization anyway with --finalize --force.
node MezJobStatus.js \
--objectId $MEZ_OBJECT_ID
Sample output:
Get status for mezzanine job(s)
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__47YQsxesRViBtpwzndxB6pxm2Dbp...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
"LROs": {
"tlro1EjchYzPaMx7VJV3JM8EmxaSfnyK4UDUShuiSfS8y7HqNjbjW4UB6J": {
"desc": "stream: audio, offering: default, variant: default, masterHash: hq__Gb9KgaM9FPpQzCR8Y7DRe9Qnv7VS5mBiWWwKQpi3T3WrDunWsv1x9zTz4gnSwGSNRJC2VpBFQt",
"duration": 108161000000,
"duration_ms": 108161,
"key": "audio.default.xcAudio.Meridian-video-1080p-audio-English-stereo.mp4.tqw__HSYsCLmDi4UP1wu5JdTMFwiS8eG1nkweUkVVoaX5b24KZnndpcdtSxKPwF51R7KSUqY8GrYcUyFsz9VukPP",
"name": "MEZMAKER AUDIO (stream key: audio)",
"progress": {
"percentage": 16.666666666666664
"run_state": "running",
"start": "2023-02-12T03:49:09Z",
"seconds_since_last_update": 6,
"estimated_time_left_seconds": 535,
"estimated_time_left_h_m_s": "8m 55s",
"eta_local": "7:59:57 PM PST"
"tlro1EjchYzPaMx7VJV3JM8EmxaSfnyK4UDUsfuyC3wvRytfxnxoMJSk8u": {
"desc": "stream: video, offering: default, variant: default, masterHash: hq__Gb9KgaM9FPpQzCR8Y7DRe9Qnv7VS5mBiWWwKQpi3T3WrDunWsv1x9zTz4gnSwGSNRJC2VpBFQt",
"duration": 94732000000,
"duration_ms": 94732,
"key": "video.default.xcVideo.Meridian-video-1080p-audio-English-stereo.mp4.tqw__HSYsCLmDi4UP1wu5JdTMFwiS8eG1nkweUkVVoaX5b24KZnndpcdtSxKPwF51R7KSUqY8GrYcUyFsz9VukPP",
"name": "MEZMAKER VIDEO (stream key: video)",
"progress": {
"percentage": 12.5
"run_state": "running",
"start": "2023-02-12T03:49:09Z",
"seconds_since_last_update": 19,
"estimated_time_left_seconds": 644,
"estimated_time_left_h_m_s": "10m 44s",
"eta_local": "8:01:46 PM PST"
"summary": {
"run_state": "running",
"estimated_time_left_seconds": 644,
"estimated_time_left_h_m_s": "10m 44s",
"eta_local": "8:01:46 PM PST"
node MezJobStatus.js \
--objectId $MEZ_OBJECT_ID \
Sample output (finalizing):
Get status for mezzanine job(s)
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__47YQsxesRViBtpwzndxB6pxm2Dbp...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
"LROs": {
"tlro1EjchYzPaMx7VJV3JM8EmxaSfnyK4UDUShuiSfS8y7HqNjbjW4UB6J": {
"desc": "stream: audio, offering: default, variant: default, masterHash: hq__Gb9KgaM9FPpQzCR8Y7DRe9Qnv7VS5mBiWWwKQpi3T3WrDunWsv1x9zTz4gnSwGSNRJC2VpBFQt",
"duration": 475562000000,
"duration_ms": 475562,
"end": "2023-02-12T03:57:05Z",
"key": "audio.default.xcAudio.Meridian-video-1080p-audio-English-stereo.mp4.tqw__HSYsCLmDi4UP1wu5JdTMFwiS8eG1nkweUkVVoaX5b24KZnndpcdtSxKPwF51R7KSUqY8GrYcUyFsz9VukPP",
"name": "MEZMAKER AUDIO (stream key: audio)",
"progress": {
"percentage": 100
"run_state": "finished",
"start": "2023-02-12T03:49:09Z"
"tlro1EjchYzPaMx7VJV3JM8EmxaSfnyK4UDUsfuyC3wvRytfxnxoMJSk8u": {
"desc": "stream: video, offering: default, variant: default, masterHash: hq__Gb9KgaM9FPpQzCR8Y7DRe9Qnv7VS5mBiWWwKQpi3T3WrDunWsv1x9zTz4gnSwGSNRJC2VpBFQt",
"duration": 479663000000,
"duration_ms": 479663,
"end": "2023-02-12T03:57:09Z",
"key": "video.default.xcVideo.Meridian-video-1080p-audio-English-stereo.mp4.tqw__HSYsCLmDi4UP1wu5JdTMFwiS8eG1nkweUkVVoaX5b24KZnndpcdtSxKPwF51R7KSUqY8GrYcUyFsz9VukPP",
"name": "MEZMAKER VIDEO (stream key: video)",
"progress": {
"percentage": 100
"run_state": "finished",
"start": "2023-02-12T03:49:09Z"
"summary": {
"run_state": "finished"
Finalizing mezzanine...
ABR mezzanine object finalized:
Object ID: iq__47YQsxesRViBtpwzndxB6pxm2Dbp
Version Hash: hq__2zSTbHmDGPVVvxrzFndzwkwJtSu9YgGVuE1V4HxrATgwS596oX5XXd1fV2hxzrpKjwEq2yWJ3U
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
new version not available yet, waiting 15 seconds...
New object version now available
- Used to update old mezzanines ingested prior to the 2023-03 Media Ingest Enhancements update. (Offerings created post-update generate a full set of DRM keys by default, unless an ABR Profile with "store_clear": true is used)
- Creates a new, full set of DRM keys for all audio/video streams in all offerings in a mezzanine object (except for offerings that were ingested with "store_clear": true - such offerings cannot have DRM added)
- Allows adding any DRM playout format to old offerings that did not have that format specified during initial ingest (as long as the offering is configured with "store_clear": false)
- Removes orphaned DRM keys from metadata at /elv/crypt/drm/kids and /offerings/OFFERING_KEY/playout/drm_keys
- If an offering has "audio_individual_drm_keys": true configured, then each audio stream in that offering will receive its own set of DRM keys. Otherwise, all audio streams in an offering will share the same set of keys (metadata path: /offerings/OFFERING_KEY/audio_individual_drm_keys)
node MezRegenDrmKeys.js \
--objectId $MEZ_OBJECT_ID
Sample output:
Regenerate DRM keys for all offerings in object iq__2LqUikZeBsrC38dXHFnzJyHGNMPJ
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__2LqUikZeBsrC38dXHFnzJyHGNMPJ...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Retrieving existing metadata from object...
Retrieving metadata from object iq__2LqUikZeBsrC38dXHFnzJyHGNMPJ...
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSTmDD5NSjfdZNv7AEyiUWq3eacZRBaM5FxJyA6CCUDpMdwyQfiWYhDiUujrukSN7aU1fkxfUvCqSD4TsAg
node URL: http://localhost:8008
Processing offering 'clear'...
Offering 'clear' has "store_clear": true, skipping...
Processing offering 'default'...
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__AaKnupFkaMM5MEDUtyK3XqRFqc7vK3sV6A7t54rzuQtCizgQVLtjsFR8cHNBipxyLFG2QxvcNG
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
New version hash: hq__AaKnupFkaMM5MEDUtyK3XqRFqc7vK3sV6A7t54rzuQtCizgQVLtjsFR8cHNBipxyLFG2QxvcNG
- Used to update old mezzanines ingested prior to the 2023-03 Media Ingest Enhancements update. (Offerings created pre-update advertise incorrect video levels for some rungs in HLS/DASH playlists)
- Sets the codec descriptor string for all video rungs in a mezzanine's offering(s)
- Fixes playout issues encountered with some hardware players
- Use --offeringKey to fix a single offering, otherwise all offerings in the object will be processed.
node MezSetCodecDescs.js \
--objectId $MEZ_OBJECT_ID
Sample output:
Set codec descriptor strings in bitrate ladder for video stream(s) in object iq__2LqUikZeBsrC38dXHFnzJyHGNMPJ.
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__2LqUikZeBsrC38dXHFnzJyHGNMPJ...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Retrieving metadata path '/offerings' from object iq__2LqUikZeBsrC38dXHFnzJyHGNMPJ...
Processing offering 'clear'...
Retrieving playout/clear/dash-clear/video/videovideo_1920x1080@9500000/init.m4s...
codec desc: avc1.640028
Retrieving playout/clear/dash-clear/video/videovideo_1280x720@4500000/init.m4s...
codec desc: avc1.64001f
Retrieving playout/clear/dash-clear/video/videovideo_960x540@2000000/init.m4s...
codec desc: avc1.64001f
Retrieving playout/clear/dash-clear/video/videovideo_768x432@1100000/init.m4s...
codec desc: avc1.640016
Retrieving playout/clear/dash-clear/video/videovideo_640x360@810000/init.m4s...
codec desc: avc1.42c016
Retrieving playout/clear/dash-clear/video/videovideo_640x360@520000/init.m4s...
codec desc: avc1.42c016
Processing offering 'default'...
Retrieving playout/default/dash-clear/video/videovideo_1920x1080@9500000/init.m4s...
codec desc: avc1.640028
Retrieving playout/default/dash-clear/video/videovideo_1280x720@4500000/init.m4s...
codec desc: avc1.64001f
Retrieving playout/default/dash-clear/video/videovideo_960x540@2000000/init.m4s...
codec desc: avc1.64001f
Retrieving playout/default/dash-clear/video/videovideo_768x432@1100000/init.m4s...
codec desc: avc1.640016
Retrieving playout/default/dash-clear/video/videovideo_640x360@810000/init.m4s...
codec desc: avc1.42c016
Retrieving playout/default/dash-clear/video/videovideo_640x360@520000/init.m4s...
codec desc: avc1.42c016
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSTmDD5NSjfdZNv7AEyiUWq3eacZRBaM5FxJyA6CCUDpMdwyQfiWYhDiUujruP6GEg6pJeGEoaCshTAYihY
node URL: http://localhost:8008
Writing metadata to object...
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__GABFnPj1HN1QBJZN5KEsAGYwLRWBSFfaUSVoM7mMFH2Y7EyBJxDSoppbuTZqJRonaTFGSVG1YQ
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
- Used to update old mezzanines ingested prior to the 2023-03 Media Ingest Enhancements update. (Works around a Bitmovin player issue when switching audio streams. Offerings created post-update have their audio streams share DRM keys by default unless an ABR Profile with "audio_individual_drm_keys": true is used)
- Sets all audio streams in each Offering of a Mezzanine to use the same set of DRM keys, by copying the keys for one audio stream of an Offering to all other audio streams in the same Offering.
- Also sets "audio_individual_drm_keys": false for all Offerings, so that if MezRegenDrmKeys.js script is run, all audio streams in an Offering will continue to share DRM keys.
node MezUnifyAudioDrmKeys.js \
Sample output:
Edit Mezzanine iq__2Pq7oDT7gxopf1mURnPJyM3cjEFA to use 1 shared set of audio DRM keys per Offering
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__2Pq7oDT7gxopf1mURnPJyM3cjEFA...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Retrieving existing metadata from object...
Retrieving metadata from object iq__2Pq7oDT7gxopf1mURnPJyM3cjEFA...
Checking offering 'default'...
Using keys from stream 'audio'...
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSTuqcei5VXGHfH7kALX4a5tkdrarDXhxvcaqgHSwJRVN7BVuSoaviuMWNWgavSxWMXjKaRuhz2yezkJPXC
node URL: http://localhost:8008
Writing metadata to object...
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__4peicpLgWvqnnJdQJCoW54wfMkxu9V34uj3WcVtZPVpAAnTUPwjY8oW8aW6RxD4jDVAcnd8xxY
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
New version hash: hq__4peicpLgWvqnnJdQJCoW54wfMkxu9V34uj3WcVtZPVpAAnTUPwjY8oW8aW6RxD4jDVAcnd8xxY
- Grants specified permission for an Object to an Access Group
- There are three permission types:
- see - Allows reading public metadata (stored in metadata path /public)
- access - Allows reading entire object (both public and private data)
- manage - Allows reading entire object (both public and private data) AND changing the object, including its permissions
- Note that the permissions are cumulative - if you grant manage permission to a group, you do not need to grant access or see permissions. (If you do grant multiple permission types to a group this will not cause a problem, but if you wish to revoke permissions later you will need to do this individually for each type that you granted)
- For Masters and Mezzanines, it is common to grant manage permission to your Content Admins group after the Objects are created.
node ObjectAddGroupPerm.js \
--groupAddress $ACCESS_GROUP_ADDRESS \
--permission $PERMISSION_TYPE
Sample output:
Add 'manage' permission to iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin for group 0x8d8780cfa0970a064e247e4a7829f0106b38d7f7
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Adding permission: manage...
- Creates an Object in the specified Library
- If you wish to set a Content Type use --type
- If you wish to set the Object's metadata, you can specify either a JSON string (converted to make it safe for the command line) or a path to a JSON file with --metadata.
node ObjectCreate.js \
Sample output:
Create object 'my new object' in lib ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Creating new draft object in library ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT...
New object ID: iq__ZJvRWRKTd4Xegb4ZpyqLHvryPHS
New write token: tqw__HSRW1TTEKaE9NiQoJt9LT7dp4oTg12XMQCLVVetMQQsCUUgeFDnCyHVRzWVLUNUFqw3kDwLe9qC5MTzoZsu
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__2d7bDowvo7Ukwh4R3DgpjJHvSGC61jLc9yUYKnxFw1W4AYKqHt2RBYLYo4GozMa88Vy1KQrxYg
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
New object ID: iq__ZJvRWRKTd4Xegb4ZpyqLHvryPHS
version hash: hq__2d7bDowvo7Ukwh4R3DgpjJHvSGC61jLc9yUYKnxFw1W4AYKqHt2RBYLYo4GozMa88Vy1KQrxYg
- Deletes an existing Object.
node MezDeleteObject.js \
Sample output:
Delete object iq__3P8qdCiBSsEdB1eedMiJ4idgbxjc
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__3P8qdCiBSsEdB1eedMiJ4idgbxjc...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
- Removes one Version from an existing Object
- You may wish to run node ListVersions.js --commitMsg --commitTime first to get a list of all the Versions of an Object
node ObjectDeleteVersion.js \
Sample output:
Delete version hq__AWnwyGhrVkM8aSvgMgADHs5uWnUz6NmvFMvssm7eYwH1yZhYVYEL3f44S6AgcQA2gvVrKXttVn
Deleting object version hq__AWnwyGhrVkM8aSvgMgADHs5uWnUz6NmvFMvssm7eYwH1yZhYVYEL3f44S6AgcQA2gvVrKXttVn...
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
- Gets the current Object Permission setting for an Object.
- The possible permission settings are
- owner - Owner Only
- editable - Editable
- viewable - Viewable
- listable - Publicly Listable
- public - Public
node ObjectGetPermission.js \
Sample output:
Get object permission setting for iq__4JhZtSENmDu7hTq91LEufzDnDpj3
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__4JhZtSENmDu7hTq91LEufzDnDpj3...
Found library ID: ilib3fm7YhNrmYBNsgNwFuUso1CRVFw3
Permission: owner
- Lists the current Access Group permissions for an Object.
node ObjectListGroupPerms.js \
Sample output:
List group permissions for object iq__nVABoeoiGikEo6sVJ1EjT6DBWdr
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__nVABoeoiGikEo6sVJ1EjT6DBWdr...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
address name see access manage
0x8d8780cfa0970a064e247e4a7829f0106b38d7f7 dev-tenant Content Admins x x
- Removes one or more Versions from an existing Object, either starting from the oldest or the newest, depending on options chosen.
- You may wish to run node ListVersions.js --commitMsg --commitTime first to get a list of all the Versions of an Object
- Use --keep to specify how many remaining Versions you wish to have after deletion
- Use --keepNew if you wish to keep the newest Version(s) (i.e. delete starting with the OLDEST version)
- Use --keepOld if you wish to keep the oldest Version(s) (i.e. delete starting with the NEWEST version)
node ObjectPruneVersions.js \
--keep 3 \
Sample output:
Prune object iq__2Pq7oDT7gxopf1mURnPJyM3cjEFA, keeping 3 version(s)
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__2Pq7oDT7gxopf1mURnPJyM3cjEFA...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Retrieving version list for object iq__2Pq7oDT7gxopf1mURnPJyM3cjEFA...
Object current version count = 8, deleting 5 newest version(s)...
Deleting object version hq__9iPUgD3ibXtss67zTgAmB3qV5cuf3MxJZBGVpDJGTjBwso8oTnLaGTzsXDDuADfro6fr2coGji...
Deleting object version hq__Ja9uA7h84YLdYho7ZNd2rebwP6coYoDT63Y1Q9pJGSDa6X8ZDYv6oLacYEMQALAJEVhQ315KgC...
Deleting object version hq__H4s9QErok499YxisxjabRc3PazcSPjCKVB8ZW3R61W6na9VEcZBWrKd531wcQK5EYgzoNEDw3n...
Deleting object version hq__AXBSG128vHtoHgqKDCgem86p8P7j6AUHGXitcQ42qpPsMp3XNmvBofmMRouf1rbbiG7e8vfpek...
Deleting object version hq__3YS4yMFEp1yyomT2zELPt16DdqTbNxcmosNh83cWChdX4j7H7vg84CSAxAsq2jqpuxyNyQ64rC...
- Removes specified permission for an Object from an Access Group
- There are three permission types:
- see - Allows reading public metadata (stored in metadata path /public)
- access - Allows reading entire object (both public and private data)
- manage - Allows reading entire object (both public and private data) AND changing the object, including its permissions
- Permissions must be removed individually - if you have granted all 3 permission types to an Access Group, to revoke all 3 would require 3 commands.
- You can view current group permissions on an Object with the ObjectListGroupPerms.js script.
node ObjectRemoveGroupPerm.js \
--groupAddress $ACCESS_GROUP_ADDRESS \
--permission $PERMISSION_TYPE
Sample output:
Remove 'manage' permission for iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin from group 0x8d8780cfa0970a064e247e4a7829f0106b38d7f7
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Removing permission: manage...
- Sets the Object Permission for one Object
- Note that the displayed Object Permission can be misleading - there is a second kind of permission (Object Group Permissions) that can grant additional access, even if the Object Permission is set to e.g. "Owner Only"
- The possible permission settings are
- owner - Owner Only
- editable - Editable
- viewable - Viewable
- listable - Publicly Listable
- public - Public
- For a Mezzanine Object, the most common permission setting is viewable
- Depending on what the old and new permission levels are, it is possible that the Version Hash of the Object will change (certain changes of permission require edits to Object metadata). The script will output whether or not a new Version was created.
node ObjectSetPermission.js \
--permission $PERMISSION_LEVEL
Sample output: (version hash changed)
Set permission on iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin to viewable
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Previous version hash: hq__ErxfDQX4tExvstzb8URyx9WG2BYBrWkAWB66kvzH6Hw3pkQKZzN8PmL6AGAftLyktCcataFxSW
New version hash: hq__FH1ZgDNyqr2Hj9eFRNNMvSdKfSpU3x5dpPufo2xWbnDKqiXrp9XFV7jDfgoFaXTwTt7aDgVh1t
Sample output: (version hash unchanged)
Set permission on iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin to editable
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__ksXLW12ZAAg7PcLS4gKLUPPRUin...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Version hash unchanged: hq__FH1ZgDNyqr2Hj9eFRNNMvSdKfSpU3x5dpPufo2xWbnDKqiXrp9XFV7jDfgoFaXTwTt7aDgVh1t
- Sets the Content Type of an Object
- Once you set the Content Type, there is no way to clear it
- The --type option accepts either an ID, a Version Hash, or the name of a Content Type (enclose in quotes if it contains spaces, e.g.: "dev-tenant - Title")
node ObjectSetType.js \
Sample output:
Set content type on iq__2PDzvA279deFCZe2SV1B6NQQkDE to 'dev-tenant - Title'
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__2PDzvA279deFCZe2SV1B6NQQkDE...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Looking up content type: dev-tenant - Title...
New version hash: hq__G6nafFuvMmQ7SjRdeFNTBKe8QFHujHT3is4bS4a8R2HUh682BMpFQxDm43atCeeHC3prmFTeuE
- Adds a subtitle stream to an Offering
- The subtitles must be in a WebVTT format file on your machine
- Use --language to specify a language code for the stream (see Language codes and labels for a list). Many players will use a device's locale setting to choose what subtitle track should be the default.
- Use --label to set how the stream will be listed in player subtitle menus.
- If the subtitle stream should be the default, add --isDefault
- Normally, the subtitles will be stored using the same encryption setting as the Offering. If necessary, you can force them to be stored without encryption with --storeClear
- If the subtitles are forced, add --forced
- You must choose a --streamKey for the new stream (e.g. subtitles-en or subtitles-en-forced). This will become part of the URL that is used to retrieve the subtitle stream.
node OfferingAddSubtitles.js \
--streamKey $STREAM_KEY \
--language $LANGUAGE_CODE \
--label $DISPLAY_LABEL \
Sample output:
Add subtitle stream to offering 'default' in object iq__3BsFDHB4HDGNizwE1VvNbqm4Re65.
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__3BsFDHB4HDGNizwE1VvNbqm4Re65...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Retrieving metadata path '/offerings/default' from object iq__3BsFDHB4HDGNizwE1VvNbqm4Re65...
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSWCWb2WatGRdUzXMFKii5asn59emvDY4t5V1LFCYCiCBUTUVzapDN4NSno6MRsGwzvWeedEGhd4xhuW5Eq
node URL: http://localhost:8008
Subtitles uploaded as new part: hqpeA6XdMsQ6jss4cvcUjL1i4ghGPy845tqLaWe6dzxc4DsdRb
Writing metadata to object...
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__3Dj1qZhJLAREs6YpnSueJuoX49XbBgWcpkmMooZ42FHZrnMgarCtsFi7EU5HjYuvJckdJMvxnu
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
New version hash: hq__3Dj1qZhJLAREs6YpnSueJuoX49XbBgWcpkmMooZ42FHZrnMgarCtsFi7EU5HjYuvJckdJMvxnu
- Deletes a stream from an existing Offering
node OfferingDeleteStream.js \
--objectId $MEZ_OBJECT_ID \
--offeringKey $OFFERING_KEY \
--streamKey $STREAM_KEY
Sample output:
Delete stream 'audio' from offering 'default' in object iq__2Pq7oDT7gxopf1mURnPJyM3cjEFA.
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__2Pq7oDT7gxopf1mURnPJyM3cjEFA...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Retrieving metadata path '/offerings/default' from object iq__2Pq7oDT7gxopf1mURnPJyM3cjEFA...
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSTuqcei5VXGHfH7kALX4a5tkdrarDXhxvcaqgHSwJRVN7BVuSoaviuMWNWgarwRBMtt8ihPKGCrKF8VVad
node URL: http://localhost:8008
Writing metadata to object...
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__LYBf1dwwiSzW4WnRAViQ5C9jNaFGL8EFHPWKVCZmFyZRnZXcUy9yNziiTykXiTMSZWTnJS4aRE
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
New version hash: hq__LYBf1dwwiSzW4WnRAViQ5C9jNaFGL8EFHPWKVCZmFyZRnZXcUy9yNziiTykXiTMSZWTnJS4aRE
- Changes playout formats for an offering.
- Use --formats to select which format(s) to make available. Valid choices are:
- dash-clear
- dash-widevine
- hls-aes128
- hls-clear
- hls-fairplay
- hls-sample-aes
- Clear formats can only be used if the offering specifies "drm_optional": true
- DRM formats can only be used if the offering specifies "store_clear": false and if all required DRM keys are present (if not, use utilities/MezRegenDrmKeys.js first)
- Use --offeringKey to specify which offering to change (if omitted, offering "default" will be edited)
node OfferingSetFormats.js \
--objectId $MEZ_OBJECT_ID \
--formats hls-fairplay dash-widevine
Sample output:
Set playout formats for offering 'default' in object iq__2LqUikZeBsrC38dXHFnzJyHGNMPJ.
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__2LqUikZeBsrC38dXHFnzJyHGNMPJ...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Retrieving metadata path '/elv/crypt/drm/kids' from object iq__2LqUikZeBsrC38dXHFnzJyHGNMPJ...
Retrieving metadata path '/offerings/default' from object iq__2LqUikZeBsrC38dXHFnzJyHGNMPJ...
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSTmDD5NSjfdZNv7AEyiUWq3eacZRBaM5FxJyA6CCUDpMdwyQfiWYhDiUujrupcFyy1w9Lew2L5S7QRfRWG
node URL: http://localhost:8008
Writing metadata to object...
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__9vLJH8rZGnwcEVoXRhvCuimsVowozde2fBYazdnzexU1ZAZ6yy4g116J3A26QtAgvxkzLpHX2L
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
New version hash: hq__9vLJH8rZGnwcEVoXRhvCuimsVowozde2fBYazdnzexU1ZAZ6yy4g116J3A26QtAgvxkzLpHX2L
- Adds an image watermark to an Offering
- The image must already exist as a file in the Mezzanine Object (use the FilesAdd.js script if needed)
- If you wish to clear the watermark, use --clear instead of --watermark.
- Use --offeringKey to specify which offering to change (if omitted, offering "default" will be edited)
- You cannot have both a text and an image watermark on the same Offering.
- Use --watermark to configure the path to the image file and watermark size/placement. You can specify either a JSON string (converted to make it safe for the command line) or a path to a JSON file.
- The JSON to specify the image watermark has the following fields:
- align_h - (text) horizontal alignment ("left", "center", or "right")
- align_v - (text) vertical alignment ("top", "middle", or "bottom")
- image - (text) the file path within the Object to the image to use
- margin_h - (text) the horizontal margin
- controls how much space to leave between the watermark and the left or right edge of video frame, depending on setting of align_h
- has no effect if align_h is set to "center"
- expressed as a fraction of the video frame width, e.g. "1/20" would leave 1/20th the frame width between the watermark and the left or right edge of the video frame
- margin_v - (text) the vertical margin
- controls how much space to leave between the watermark and the top or bottom edge of video frame, depending on setting of align_v
- has no effect if align_v is set to "middle"
- expressed as a fraction of the video frame height, e.g. "1/10" would leave 1/10th the frame height between the watermark and the top or bottom edge of the video frame
- target_video_height - (integer) the video height (in pixels) that the image was designed for (e.g. if the image is 108 pixels high and target_video_height is set to 1080, then the watermark will be 1/10th the height of the video frame. If you use the same image but set target_video_height to 540, then the watermark will be 1/5th the height of the video frame)
- The example file /elv-utils-js/example-files/image_watermark.json makes use of a semi-transparent image file /elv-utils-js/example-files/image_watermark.png. After adding the image file to a Mezzanine Object, you can add the example watermark with:
- Example command using inline JSON:
node OfferingSetImageWatermark.js \
--objectId $MEZ_OBJECT_ID \
--watermark ../example-files/image_watermark.json
Sample output:
Set image watermark for offering 'default' in object iq__nVABoeoiGikEo6sVJ1EjT6DBWdr
Reading file /elv-utils-js/example-files/image_watermark.json...
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__nVABoeoiGikEo6sVJ1EjT6DBWdr...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Retrieving existing offering metadata from object...
Retrieving metadata path '/offerings/default' from object iq__nVABoeoiGikEo6sVJ1EjT6DBWdr...
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSS9ytiepZtgW6WipALVh6stP1fx7pCvtPSBUoSURaAfDnpYaPg6dLGFFMW4qMoS2j95XuDW7E5nAHPuU4K
node URL: http://localhost:8008
Writing metadata to object...
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__BJsFzvpbjhZSWgCPZCiQtHd18DaeGYvNhWWZtUPoXkaXSxU6NiJkE8WbXFKaeiGW8PimnmDQDi
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
New Version Hash: hq__BJsFzvpbjhZSWgCPZCiQtHd18DaeGYvNhWWZtUPoXkaXSxU6NiJkE8WbXFKaeiGW8PimnmDQDi
node OfferingSetImageWatermark.js \
--objectId $MEZ_OBJECT_ID \
--watermark '{"align_h":"right", "align_v":"bottom", "image":"/image_watermark.png", "margin_h":"1/20", "margin_v":"1/10", "target_video_height":1080}'
Example JSON file contents:
"align_h": "right",
"align_v": "bottom",
"image": "/image_watermark.png",
"margin_h": "1/20",
"margin_v": "1/10",
"target_video_height": 1080
- Adds a text watermark to an Offering
- If you wish to clear the watermark, use --clear instead of --watermark.
- Use --offeringKey to specify which offering to change (if omitted, offering "default" will be edited)
- You cannot have both a text and an image watermark on the same Offering.
- Use --watermark to configure the text contents and the watermark size/placement. You can specify either a JSON string (converted to make it safe for the command line) or a path to a JSON file.
- The JSON to specify the image watermark has the following fields:
- font_color - (text) color and optional opacity level for the text, e.g. "white@0.25" would result in fairly transparent white text (only 25% opaque). For a full list of available color names as well as alternate ways of specifying the color see the ffmpeg-utils color syntax documentation.
- font_relative_height - (number) font height relative to video frame (e.g. 0.05 = 5% or 1/20th the video frame height)
- shadow - (true/false) whether to draw a shadow behind the text
- shadow_color - (text) color and optional opacity level for the shadow (uses the same color syntax as font_color)
- template - (text) the text content of the watermark. This text can be customized by the use of substitution variables. If template contains any of the following they will be replaced by information determined at playout time:
- $USERNAME - a user ID associated with playback (requires additional configuration of your playout link generator)
- $USEREMAIL - an email address associated with playback (requires additional configuration of your playout link generator)
- $HASH - the Version Hash of the Mezzanine Object
- $META(path) - metadata retrieved from the specified path of the Mezzanine Object
- x - (text) the horizontal position for watermark text to start ("0" = left edge of video frame). There are variables available to express the position in terms of text width and video frame width:
- w = video frame width
- tw = watermark text total width
- "w - (tw / 2)" would center the text horizontally on the screen
- y - (text) the vertical position for watermark text to start ("0" = top edge of video frame). There are variables available to express the position in terms of text height and video frame height:
- h = video frame height
- lh = watermark text single line height
- th = watermark text total height
- "h - (th / 2)" would center the text vertically on the screen
- "h - (lh * 4)" would start the text at the fourth line from the bottom edge
- The example file /elv-utils-js/example-files/text_watermark.json uses the $USERNAME substitution variable. You can add the example watermark with:
- Example command using inline JSON:
node OfferingSetTextWatermark.js \
--objectId $MEZ_OBJECT_ID \
--watermark ../example-files/text_watermark.json
Sample output:
Set text watermark for offering 'default' in object iq__2Pq7oDT7gxopf1mURnPJyM3cjEFA
Reading file /elv-utils-js/example-files/text_watermark.json...
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__2Pq7oDT7gxopf1mURnPJyM3cjEFA...
Found library ID: ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Retrieving existing offering metadata from object...
Retrieving metadata path '/offerings/default' from object iq__2Pq7oDT7gxopf1mURnPJyM3cjEFA...
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSTuqcei5VXGHfH7kALX4a5tkdrarDXhxvcaqgHSwJRVN7BVuSoaviuMWNWgaPdxgftJqSXWnLihb36dXHw
node URL: http://localhost:8008
Writing metadata to object...
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__C9uzR6WP88rMr2QKNSZLE69jeebZwaSQFt5pArL1eZ2r6mLv1VgeEZf3HSiFKEfsyhHTEXU5Mz
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
New Version Hash: hq__C9uzR6WP88rMr2QKNSZLE69jeebZwaSQFt5pArL1eZ2r6mLv1VgeEZf3HSiFKEfsyhHTEXU5Mz
node OfferingSetTextWatermark.js \
--objectId $MEZ_OBJECT_ID \
--watermark '{"font_color":"white@0.5", "font_relative_height":0.05, "shadow":true, "shadow_color":"black@0.5", "template":"PREPARED FOR $USERNAME - DO NOT DISTRIBUTE", "x":"(w-tw)/2", "y":"h-(4*lh)"}'
Example JSON file contents:
"font_color": "white@0.5",
"font_relative_height": 0.05,
"shadow": true,
"shadow_color": "black@0.5",
"x": "(w-tw)/2",
"y": "h-(4*lh)"
- Will prompt for one line of input, then print out a version of the input that is converted into a form that is safe for use on the command line
- Primary use is to convert JSON to something that can be used safely in commands
- To convert multi-line JSON, first use a minifier like https://codebeautify.org/jsonminifier to convert to a single line.
node TextConvertForCmd.js
Sample input/output:
Enter text to convert: {"audio_fr":{"default_for_media_type":true,"label":"Français","language":"fr-fr","sources":[{"files_api_path":"audio-french.mp4","stream_index":0}],"type":"audio"},"video":{"default_for_media_type":true,"label":"video","language":"","mapping_info":"","sources":[{"files_api_path":"video-1080p.mp4","stream_index":0}],"type":"video"}}
Input received
Converted for command line
- Will prompt for one line of input, then print out a version of the input that is converted from Base58 encoding to hex
- Can be used to convert Content Fabric IDs to Addresses (remove prefix first, e.g. for Library ID of ilib29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT, just paste 29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT)
node TextDecodeBase58.js
Sample input/output:
Enter text to decode from Base58: 29dvmbN91uyXRwcMX88CAs8q2zeT
Input received
Decoded from Base58
(decoded length: 40 digits)
- Gets the Content Type for a Library, Object, Version, or Draft. (Note an item may not have a Content Type set)
- If you wish to get the Content Type of an old Version of an Object, use --versionHash instead of --objectId.
- If you wish to get the Content Type of a Draft, use --writeToken instead of --objectId. If you know the URL of the Node that generated the Write Token, use --nodeUrl to specify it for faster retrieval.
- If you wish to get the Content Type of a Library, use --libraryId instead of --objectId.
node TypeGet.js \
Sample input/output:
Get content type for object iq__4JhZtSENmDu7hTq91LEufzDnDpj3
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__4JhZtSENmDu7hTq91LEufzDnDpj3...
Found library ID: ilib3fm7YhNrmYBNsgNwFuUso1CRVFw3
Looking up content type: hq__C8jPrmX5ccivtXYmY24DiCxAANVGCFBD3mLRqRvu7nfBKZ2FewuerW5wSrgsKaSyPBrvwJXRBN...
"name": "dev-tenant - Title Master",
"objectId": "iq__2tfLjovW8zMN9Yh6eLmwynX1Cbip",
"versionHash": "hq__C8jPrmX5ccivtXYmY24DiCxAANVGCFBD3mLRqRvu7nfBKZ2FewuerW5wSrgsKaSyPBrvwJXRBN"
- Add a new stream to an existing production master variant.
node VariantAddStream.js \
--objectId $MASTER_OBJECT_ID \
--streamKey audio_fr \
--lang fr-fr \
--file audio-french.mp4 \
--label French \
--streamIndex 0
Sample output:
Remove stream 'audio_fr' from variant 'default' of production master: iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz...
Found library ID: ilib3fm7YhNrmYBNsgNwFuUso1CRVFw3
Retrieving metadata path '/production_master/variants' from object iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz...
Saving changes...
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSRvTnR3BpmgffhUQgNyc9KeJUA8AGLLbUqAPDcqNunKTbhf4oVrmqYnxmaV41UkkcMR26P6tqBZ8vyDyAf
node URL: http://localhost:8008
Writing metadata to object...
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__2niK9aeVLTbACVQ1i3mMnjuLfnRssuxW9ZxMdYDvNJezgxFB4ECFN9GVgHe1cdVGSzunmt2xPi
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
New version hash: hq__2niK9aeVLTbACVQ1i3mMnjuLfnRssuxW9ZxMdYDvNJezgxFB4ECFN9GVgHe1cdVGSzunmt2xPi
- Removes an existing stream from an existing production master variant
node VariantDeleteStream.js \
--objectId $MASTER_OBJECT_ID \
--streamKey audio_fr
Sample output:
Delete stream 'audio_fr' from variant 'default' of production master: iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz...
Found library ID: ilib3fm7YhNrmYBNsgNwFuUso1CRVFw3
Retrieving metadata path '/production_master/variants' from object iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz...
Saving changes...
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSRvTnR3BpmgffhUQgNyc9KeJUA8AGLLbUqAPDcqNunKTbhf4oVrmqYnxmaV41UkkcMR26P6tqBZ8vyDyAf
node URL: http://localhost:8008
Writing metadata to object...
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__2niK9aeVLTbACVQ1i3mMnjuLfnRssuxW9ZxMdYDvNJezgxFB4ECFN9GVgHe1cdVGSzunmt2xPi
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
New version hash: hq__2niK9aeVLTbACVQ1i3mMnjuLfnRssuxW9ZxMdYDvNJezgxFB4ECFN9GVgHe1cdVGSzunmt2xPi
- Edit a stream specification in an existing production master variant
- Command options similar to utilities/VariantAddStream.js, but you can list only the options you want to change
- To clear --mapping, --channelIndex, --language, or --multipliers, use the corresponding options --clearMapping, --clearChannelIndex, --clearLanguage, or --clearMultipliers
node VariantEditStream.js \
--objectId $MASTER_OBJECT_ID \
--streamKey audio_fr \
--label Français
Sample output:
Edit stream 'audio_fr' in variant 'default' of production master: iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
Looking up library ID for object iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz...
Found library ID: ilib3fm7YhNrmYBNsgNwFuUso1CRVFw3
Retrieving metadata path '/production_master' from object iq__ho5NsUpev3AQv4XY1WvN8AwBXDz...
Saving changes...
Getting write token...
New write token: tqw__HSRvTnR3BpmgffhUQgNyc9KeJUA8AGLLbUqAPDcqNunKTbhf4oVrmqYnxmaV46hkkQ6nJF57EegRorXt22U
node URL: http://localhost:8008
Writing metadata to object...
Finalizing object...
Finalized, new version hash: hq__5EDd1eksVkS9vu2KCg4jjmGJu41GDcPAyLzyHiUdioxVTuwSgZYvZLXDA2FGmDjbpe6jdDz6KA
Waiting for publishing to finish and new object version to become available...
New object version now available
New version hash: hq__5EDd1eksVkS9vu2KCg4jjmGJu41GDcPAyLzyHiUdioxVTuwSgZYvZLXDA2FGmDjbpe6jdDz6KA
- Displays information for a write token
- Use --nodeUrl to also determine the URL of the node that generated the write token (it may take a minute)
node WriteTokenInfo.js \
--writeToken $TOKEN \
Sample output:
Print info for write token tqw__HSTuqcei5VXGHfH7kALX4a5tkdrarDXhxvcaqgHSwJRVN7BVuSoaviuMWNWgaqQucXbdaezKZ58A6Yopk4r
Getting node info for write token tqw__HSTuqcei5VXGHfH7kALX4a5tkdrarDXhxvcaqgHSwJRVN7BVuSoaviuMWNWgaqQucXbdaezKZ58A6Yopk4r...
Initializing elv-client-js... (config URL: http://localhost:8008/config?qspace=dev&self)
"tokenType": "tq__",
"tokenId": "0xd58b27bc8a7714ab38c6a8ee6c300743",
"objectId": "iq__2Pq7oDT7gxopf1mURnPJyM3cjEFA",
"nodeId": "inodXnRMo5b4svum81wHZtvpDq9DtUf",
"nodeUrl": "http://localhost:8008/"